Stones are ok

People deal with all sorts of things. With such complicated political questions, what is the transverse front or whether there is life on Mars? But the simple questions that lie before our feet, so to speak, we don’t think about at all. Stones, for example

The Earth itself was formed 4.6 billion years ago, on the first of December. It is said to have been constantly bombarded by meteorites for the first 100 million years, because there was no protective atmosphere in which something could have burnt up. The first stones were probably created there.

But what I really ask myself: Why didn’t the stones become smaller? Everybody knows it: In the mountain stream the things rumble down the mountain. They rub against each other, they break. They are dissolved by acids in nature and by fungi, plants and frost, which creeps into small cracks, split and smaller and smaller. Today even acid rain is added. In the end the sea. It washes and rinses, ebb and flow, for millions of years and in the end everything is fine white sand. Only: There are still stones.


Actually everything should be just sand. Grinding in the stream of time. Sure, the critics say: Under pressure sand can become stone again, sandstone for example. But has anyone ever seen that? Who should press there, the stuff is always on top. And that a mountain range tips over and buries a beach is something I neither saw nor can I really imagine.

You see, these are the real mysteries of nature. The magic that always surrounds us and that we don’t even perceive. Stones seem to exist forever. Man, who came much later, then used it, for example for stoning or for slingshots. But although stones so often hit hard heads, they seem indestructible. There are still stones and nobody knows why. You could say that you can build on these stones.