Modular Reverse Proxy with Nginx

My current project: I have a virtual server (VPS) on which I would like to run all my software projects. This server has a fixed IP address, but I want to run very different software on it, in docker containers.

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Non-Profit Social Network Organizations

I myself work for Human Connection, a non-profit organisation that wants to build and operate a new social knowledge and action network. Free communication is my heart’s issue, therefore I also deal with this matter privately, especially with operations, organizational and data protection issues. <! –more–> It struck me that here and there I encounter organizations or associations that all have the same or a very similar goal. Therefore I will collect these here once, for myself as an overview, but also for you.

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Encrypted IPv6 VPN with Yggdrasil

You need for your friends or your company a computer to computer encrypted network with fixed IP address for all computers in this network, no matter how often your provider gives your router a new IP address? I’ll show you how to get it up and running.

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Peer-to-Peer Projects

Our communication must no longer remain in the hands of a few large corporations. We don’t want to be spied on and want to decide for ourselves who is allowed to see our data. Therefore here is a collection of serverless software, Peer-to-Peer or Friend-to-Friend (P2P / F2F), that is available or emerging today.

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Secure Messaging with Tox-Chat

I am increasingly distancing myself from technologies that permanently monitor and evaluate me and create behavioral profiles of me. My Android phone, which I’m not happy with either, has been freed from all kinds of trackers hidden in apps with Exodus privacy.

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Wildcard Certificates with Letsencrypt and DNS Challenge

If you run several web applications on a separate server, it is relatively annoying to keep a separate process running for each individual subdomain, which always fetches the required SSL certificate in good time before the expiration date and carries out the verification process via its own website.

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Stones are ok

People deal with all sorts of things. With such complicated political questions, what is the transverse front or whether there is life on Mars? But the simple questions that lie before our feet, so to speak, we don’t think about at all. Stones, for example

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